COOL, highlights of this entry ----> Alpha Program.
Hmmm, on tuesday i went to some alpha program la.. something where u register to go for some get to know god*(christ) more program.. its a 8 weeks long cycle.. i had 3 weeks during chapel(separated from the normal chapel) and this is the 4th week.. but first time after school. hMMM, all this started when i decided at the religious emphasis week to go tick option to know more abt gd thing so here i am, probing into christainity.. During the session i was introduced to a chirstain worker called ms sin.. hmm tuesdae only had two people becaz some people didnt make it but nevertheless i still asked several question that probed my mins. Let me list them
Answers i got:
Ok, then i got two mini books also given to me. First was somethign like daily bread kind but its a differnet title and the second was one minute bible for starters. I am taking my time to read, aroudn 1 passage from both a day :P
ok that's all for this entry
MAJESTY [HERE I AM] Delirious?
Here I am humbled by your majesty Really hope all my friends get to know jesus!