:::Monday, April 12, 2004:::
So much thoughts to write, So little time to write

yar realli lotsa thign swanan type.. budden dunno how to organise those thoughts etc... ok i tink i list down the stuff i wanna blog abt? 1. jealousy. 2. christainity. 3. school work.
ok lets start... !

yar.. its like every fren i know is doing better than me in everything.. studies chess own career etc.. it reall isux.. yar.. book answer of life.. they are ur frenz u shld be supporting them shld be happy for ur frenz tat they are gd in thier respective areas and nt feel jealous abt it.. budden its EASIER said den done.. how nt to feel jealous when xh brnady wlwc got cash for chess? how nt to feel jealous whenn i like been shitting in starides and every1 so pro? score so high for eng comps while i am just struggling thru? even had to ask minz and xh for help in narrative and expo respectivel.. alot of other things to..!! sianz! maybe i am just too inferior in everything lol! jokes aside..... its like come on, u are like hoping dat they will do badly in times to come on 1 side of u but the other side u wan them to do well in everything etc.. becaz they are ur frenz.. thier success shldnt bring sadness to u.. its like u shld congrats them etc.. man i am struggling to get pass jealousy..
i believe there is jealousy in every1 of us, its just whether or nt tat u can overcome it. if one cant, one is in deep shit.

hmm next 1 is christainity.. i am nt gonna go back to my old ways of like harping abt life etc.. it would reall ibe shit.. (read old entries and u know why).. budden how not to harp? i need enlightenment! its like last week was rew(methodist acsian shld know wad i mean) den there was this form to submit after end of 3 daes.. yar i ticked the option of wanting to know christ more? and yar so todae chapel instead of joining the sch they singled out those who ticked the same option as me go oldam hal lthere where all the psg(parnts support grp) went to like try to tell us mroe abt chirst? sum pple foudn it boring.. to me its ok.. hopefully i get to ask all those 'burning qns' in me.. budden it would realli be damn serious qn lol... man.. den 1 part of the session the parents asked wad is 1 qn if u ever get to see god wad would u ask.. (btw me arbi zi wei julian vance was in my grp).. den i frankly said 'wad is the meaning of life?' lol.. man that is SO dunno wad... but nvm i wanna know.. so god if u are reading this blog tell me!! LOLZ! man i even can joke now.

nth realli much can be explained.. i am too lz.. alwauys haf been.. dunno how to motivate oneself to do all the work.. its like chiense in 3 daes and i am HACK CARING? lolz.. cannot!! pull ur socks up1! (i am nt nerdy ffs)! and the recent results also made me feel shit.. haizz.. nvm nt much time to blog le.. till nxt time!
'jealousy is in every1 of us, can we overcome it?'
posted by blurblock:) 7:25 PM
• • • • •
.:x:Abt Me:x:.
Name:-Zhang Changjie-
Cca: -chess(1731)-
Trademarks: -slacker,stoner,sucker-
Personal: -emotional person,hide his feelings,enclosed person,sensitive nature-
Official Opening: 30/03/04-
Here I am humbled by your majesty
Covered by your grace so free
Here I am, knowing I’m a sinful man
Covered by the blood of the Lamb
Now I’ve found the greatest love of all is mine
Since you laid down your life
The greatest sacrifice
Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed, but alive in your hands
Majesty, Majesty
Forever I am changed by your love
In the presence of your Majesty
Here I am humbled by the love that you give
Forgiven so that I can forgive
Here I stand, knowing that I’m your desire
Sanctified by glory and fire
Now I’ve found the greatest love of all is mine
Since you laid down your life
The greatest sacrifice
Really hope all my friends get to know jesus!