:::Tuesday, April 13, 2004:::

People to thank

Gonna begin a list of chess pple first.. if i missed of u out sorri, my mind is kinda blank now so i am typing out all i can! i realised tat yar a lot of things i did credit was nv given to me(no tks word etc)(feels shit up).. and ya book ans is tat u dun ask for the credit it would auto go to u.. even if it doesn dun worri abt it.. u help becaz u wanna help etc... budden i doubt i am nt the onli 1 tat felt tat sumtimes u ought to haf pple tanking u but they didnt.. sure in 1 pt of anotehr one will ahf these thoughts.. so i gonna paly my part and least thank pple!

Chess people i wanna thank!

Andrew.C : Thanks for drawing wif me on the last roudn 4 me 2 get a prize. Cheers*
Angelique : For giving advice on my chinese papers
Amy : For being such a nice person to me. spent nites together! thankiew
Brandy : Always obidient 'dog' that always listens.. lol :)
Carleton : War3 buddy and chess... though he always loses in the later. tks for accompanying me to pon chess and eat lunch at times.. tks for helping me in chess in my early daes when i patzer
Cyril : Thanks for blundering me the win on the 8th round of indiv, w/o it i would nt haf gotten a prize
Elizabeth : :) my wonderful mei who always nv fails to amuse me :)
Jason.C : Chess cum soccer buddy! tks for ur house for soccer! one of my best fren in chess
Joshua.L : thanks for amusing me wif ur attitude! lolz.. DudE1
Justin.C : roomate at ASEAN, soccer goshu one of my best fren in chess.. thanks for standing my vuglarities.
Justin.K : tkiew for taking me as ur junior last time.. realli learn alot of chess
Louis.L : Cool acsian fren.. had an enjoyable time trailing u at chalet.. tks for e fun
Min Ser : Encourages me in times of doubt!! Thankiew! Helped me wif my blog!!!
Myron : A good chess and school mate. Great to socialise with. Thanks for making chess in barker wonderful?
Nat Ong : Great acsi fren. gave me so many gd advice.. tks i will remember thsoe stuff?
Peter.C : Cool dude pro in war3 dat doesnt mind wif ating wif me? tks!
Wei Cheng : nv fails to hint abt organising stuff for him and his wife.. damn funnie!
Wei Long : hmmm, tks for taking the watch on my behalf(i didnt wan it)! lol!
Wei Wen : I tink e first chess person i reall iknew outside acsi! amused me wif ur bunking habits. tks for introing me to chesu and mug chess wif me
Xiu Huan : :) another wonderful mei who is crazy abt wc and always tries to keeps my spirits high? tks! llol

Man cant tink of anymroe vivid ones now.. there are plenty more i beleive.. so if i missed u out sorri!!!
Thanks pple

-Ability may get you to the top but it's character that keeps you there- -I haven't failed, I have found 10,000 ways that don't work- -Winning isn't everything, neither is losing- -We live a life by what we get, we make a life by what we give- -What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us- if the world did'nt suck, we would all fall off?- -First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win- -To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world- -If the minimum wasn't acceptable it wouldn't be called the minimum- -Nothing is a problem- .:x:Abt Me:x:.

Name:-Zhang Changjie-
Cca: -chess(1731)-
Trademarks: -slacker,stoner,sucker-
Personal: -emotional person,hide his feelings,enclosed person,sensitive nature-

Official Opening: 30/03/04-

Grad Night Compilation

Doggie! PS: i'm lz to make it nice niceDoggie!! PS: i m lz to make it nice

.:x:Friends' Bloggies:x:.

Sorry hor. I am TOO lazy to resize properly and get chio-er/+yan-dao pictures. But it's changable! (cotnact me!) Add 1 year to all thingy listed! lazy to change manually! its 2005!

Hui Min(aka nut!)J tang!

Angelique Chan Sec 4 RGS friendBrandon Kwan 2004 Photo Sec 2 RI Friend

Elgin Ting Sec 4 Barker PalGabriel Cheang 2001 Photo Sec 3 RI Chess pal (Photo by Nat Ong :P)

Gurion Ang Sec 4 Barker Old ClassmateIvan Eio 2004 Photo Sec 4 Barker Friend

Jason Chan 2003 Photo Sec 4 ACSI PalJason Teo Sec 4 Barker Pal

Jeslin Tay 2001 Photo Sec 2 NYGH Chess FriendJevan Li Sec 4 Barker Pal. Fellow MANUTD!! supporter!

Jie Hui. Sec 4 Barker old classmateJoshua Ho. Sec 4 Barker Pal

Elizabeth Loh 2004 Photo sec2 CGS MEIMEI!!Lee Min Ser 2004 Photo CHIJ(TP) Sec3 Friend

Nathaniel Ong 2003 Photo(i tink) Sec 3 ACSI Chess BuddyNicole Kessa Wee Sec 3 NYGH Friend

Timothy Wee 2002-3 Photo. RI Sec3 chess palYap Xiu Huan 2004 Photo MEIMEI!!!! Sec 3 RGS MEIMIE!

Wei Sheng. 2004 Photo. Sec 4 Barker Classmate / PalLeung Wei Wen. 2004 Photo. Sec 4 ACS(I) Pal

Siau Xi. well welll a twinSiau Rui. is this the younger or older? haha

.:x:Favourite links:x:.





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Tower Of Hanoi
Reflex Action


Changjie shall not be held responsible for any damage done to the computers or personal involved. Download and open at your own pleasure!

Funny Stuff?
Haunted Ghost
Muz Read

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Here I am humbled by your majesty
Covered by your grace so free
Here I am, knowing I’m a sinful man
Covered by the blood of the Lamb

Now I’ve found the greatest love of all is mine
Since you laid down your life
The greatest sacrifice

Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed, but alive in your hands
Majesty, Majesty
Forever I am changed by your love
In the presence of your Majesty

Here I am humbled by the love that you give
Forgiven so that I can forgive
Here I stand, knowing that I’m your desire
Sanctified by glory and fire

Now I’ve found the greatest love of all is mine
Since you laid down your life
The greatest sacrifice

Really hope all my friends get to know jesus!


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